Hey girls and guys
I have started to play again, after few months (4 i think), so i've thought to tell you about it
I didnt play couse of many reasons.
1. I wanted to finish my last exams so i had no more (checked)
2. It was summer, and we have a nice river near by with beach volleybal court so i needed to stretch my bones a bit (checked)
3. Wanted to spend more time with my girl (checked but still do
4. Wanted to take a bit of a break from wow (checked also)
5. Needed to change my apartment (checked)
So now, i'm still not going to play often, since i have the last "chapter" of my college and that is to write a diploma and represent it in front of 3 "judges". I hope that is going to happen in near future (2-3 months max) and than i will be dipl. ing. of Computer and Information Science. waw
can't wait that it is finally over
So that would be mine 5 minutes of fame. See you ingame.